Monday, April 23, 2012

Reading Log Reflection for 4/23

Hello Sunshine!  This week's reading reflection is brought to you by vitamin D.  Be sure to go out and get some.  I'd like you to take a look at one of the characters in your novel.  What are their character traits?  What have you inferred about this character?  Does this character seem like a real person to you?  What do you like or despise about this character?  If you were the author of the book, what would you change about this character?  Why?  Why is this character important to the story? 

Don't forget to:
1.  delete your test post
2.  add the "Followers" gadget
3.  Start to follow at least 6 classmates (2 boys, 2 girls, mixed grades)

Happy Reading! 


  1. CAN YOU BELIEVE HOW HOT ITS BEEN? No wonder you called us Sunshine.
    This is a great reflection this week.

    1. Thanks Claire! But where did our sunshine go? Boo hoo. I'm glad I got your dashboard working. Happy reading and posting.
